
SFCR: What to expect when you’re inspected?

The Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) are set to come into effect on January 15, 2019. The new regulations will require food businesses that import or prepare food for export/interprovincial shipping to have licences, as well as preventive controls that outline steps to address potential risks to food safety.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) currently conducts inspections of production facilities, importers/exporters and retail outlets. Under the new SFCR, the manner in which the CFIA conducts these inspections may be enhanced and there are many reasons why CFIA will inspect your facility, including:

  • Verification of compliance against regulations
  • Investigation of complaints
  • Responding to industry request (i.e. import/export permits)
  • Following up on previous inspections
  • Investigation facility or product contamination

So, what will occur when CFIA inspects your facility under the new regulations?

Before Inspection:

  • Your company receives a notice from CFIA for inspection
  • An inspector will meet with your company to determine scope. Your Preventative Control Plan (PCP) will need to be provided at this time.
  • Inspector conducts initial walk through and confirms scope

During Inspection:

  • Inspector determines if the regulatory requirements have been met and completes an initial inspection report
  • Inspector determines if the elements of the preventative control are complete and effective

After Inspection:

  • The inspector will meet to discuss inspection results and the final report is given to your company
  • Your company takes corrective actions on any noted non-compliances identified during inspection
  • The inspector schedules a follow up inspection

If you want to be sure your food safety practises are in line with the new SFCR and will pass the CFIA’s inspection, Quality Smart Solutions has a team of specialists who can assist with preparing and implementing a PCP or reviewing your documents and conducting an audit of your facility. Get prepared now and contact us today to discuss how we can be your solution!

Quality Smart Solutions is an end-to-end compliance solutions expert which has been assisting clients for 10 years in the areas of Dietary Supplements/NHPs, Foods, Cosmetics, Medical Devices and OTC drugs. Ask us for details or visit our website at


Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Inspection modernization. 2018-01-03.

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