Natural Product Number NPN Health Canada Application Process Unlocked

We’ve obtained over 9,000 NPN Numbers from Health Canada! We have expertise in preparing all classes of NPN Number & NHP license applications in a cost-effective and efficient manner!

An NPN number is a unique identifier assigned to practitioners of health care disciplines in Canada, such as doctors, nurses, optometrists and pharmacists. This number is often required for professional licensing, registration and insurance purposes. 

Natural Product Number (NPN Number) Canada

After Health Canada assesses your product and decides it is safe, effective and of great quality, it issues a product license along with a Natural Product (NPN) Number or Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-HM). This 8-digit identifier NPN number must appear on the principal display panel of the NHP label. The Health Canada NPN number on the label indicates that Health Canada has reviewed and approved the health product. Acquiring an NPN number is mandatory to enter the Canadian market.

Classes of Natural Health Product (NHP) License Applications

The Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) now the Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) has introduced a system to review Natural Health Product (NHP) applications. The submission of the application is categorized into one of three-class systems (Classes I, II and III). The class categorizes NHPs based on their ingredients level certainty. Each class comes with different review times and different levels of pre-market review.

Class I

Class I is based on a single NHP Monograph. It has the highest level of ingredients certainty with an established efficacy and safety profile for the remedial ingredient. NNHPD performance target is approximately 60 days for an NPN number.

Class II

NHPs in this class are based on 2 or more NHP Monographs. This class possesses a safety and efficacy profile of medium certainty. NNHPD performance target is approximately 90 days for an NPN number.

Class III

At least 1 ingredient in the formula is either not monographed or outside the scope of an NHP Monograph (eg. dosage level, ingredient source or plant part, claims). NNHPD performance target is 210 days for an NPN number after an acknowledgement letter is received.

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What is an NPN Number in Canada?

An NPN number (also referred to as an NPI or National Provider Identifier) is a unique number assigned to practitioners of health care disciplines in Canada, such as doctors, nurses, optometrists and pharmacists. This number is used for professional licensing and registration, as well as insurance purposes. Practitioners must obtain their own individual NPN numbers for official use. An NPN number can be obtained from Health Canada by filling out the required forms and supplying proof of identity.

Natural Product Numbers (NPNs) in Canada Important Information

1. Purpose of NPN:

  • An NPN is required for natural health products to be legally sold in Canada.
  • It indicates that the product has been reviewed by Health Canada and is considered safe, effective, and of high quality when used as directed.

2. Application Process:

  • Manufacturers or distributors of natural health products must submit an application to Health Canada’s NNHPD.
  • The application includes detailed information about the product’s ingredients, formulation, safety, efficacy, and quality control measures.

3. Review and Evaluation:

  • Health Canada reviews the application to ensure that the product meets safety and efficacy requirements.
  • The evaluation may involve assessing scientific evidence, clinical studies, and other relevant data.

4. Issuance of NPN:

  • If the product meets Health Canada’s standards, an NPN is issued. The NPN serves as evidence that the product is approved for sale.

5. Labeling Requirements:

  • Products with an NPN must have the number displayed on their labels.
  • The label must also provide accurate and clear information about the product’s recommended use, dosage, and any relevant precautions.

6. Variations and Amendments:

  • Manufacturers need to notify Health Canada of any changes to the product that may affect its safety, efficacy, or quality.
  • Some changes may require submitting an amendment to the existing NPN.

7. Safety Monitoring:

  • Once a product is on the market, Health Canada continues to monitor its safety through post-market surveillance.
  • If you are a manufacturer or distributor of natural health products in Canada, obtaining an NPN is a crucial step in ensuring the legality and safety of your products. The process involves submitting detailed scientific and regulatory information about the product to Health Canada. Our regulatory experts can help you with the application guidelines.

How do i get an NPN Number in Canada?

In order to obtain an NPN number you must submit an application to Health Canada and provide them with proof of identity such as a drivers license or passport. Once approved, your NPN number will be assigned to you and can be used for licensing and registration purposes. If you plan to practice in multiple provinces or territories then multiple NPN numbers may be necessary.

what is a NPN Number

Distinctions between NHP's and Drugs & how to pass quality tests?

NHPs may be regulated by the FDA or other governmental agencies depending on the intended use. For example, some foods and dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA while others are not. NHPD regulates products containing NHP ingredients under its Natural Health Products Regulations (NHPR). This allows companies to sell certain NHPs without going through extensive clinical trials or approval processes.

If you want to make sure your product passes quality tests and has a nice label, this is what you should do:

  • Make sure your product passes quality tests.
  • Make sure your product has a nice label.
  • Follow the regulations so that you can sell it in Canada or the United States. You can find out what they are by reading the regulations or by asking someone who knows about them if they are confusing or hard to understand. If they don’t make sense, ask someone else! You can always ask more than one person until someone explains things very clearly to you!
  • Have a good business plan before starting on any kind of project like this one because it will help lower risks later on down the line if anything goes wrong during development stages which means less money lost overall for everyone involved including yourself so just remember that when deciding whether or not something makes sense financially speaking (or whatever other factors are important). Also remember never forget how important it is too always keep track of revenue generated from each sale made using these types
what is a NPN Number

What are the benefits of having an NPN Number?

Having an NPN number has a number of potential benefits, including improved visibility of your qualifications and credentials in the healthcare industry. By providing healthcare providers and employers with this information, it makes it easier for patients and other members of the public to locate you. Furthermore, having an NPN number can help you get professional liability insurance or participate in continuing education activities.

What are the requirements for maintaining & renewing your NPN in Canada?

Once you receive your NPN number, it is important that you do what is necessary to keep it valid. Every health care provider must renew their NPN number every three years by completing the renewal form and accompanying documents. You will also need to maintain your licenses in the states where you practice, as well as have active malpractice insurance, or documentation that proves that you are exempt from these requirements. 

If you do not have a valid NPN number, you may be subject to fines or other penalties. Depending on the state in which you practice, you may also face disciplinary action for practicing without an active NPN number. Additionally, any clients or patients that you treat without a valid NPN number could file a complaint against you and make it difficult for you to continue working as a licensed healthcare provider.

You must submit a new application to Health Canada to renew your NPN number. This application will be similar to the original application you submitted to obtain your NPN number. Still, it may require updated information about the product or changes to the manufacturing process. It’s crucial to ensure you submit your renewal application before your NPN number expires to avoid disruptions in your business operations.

What are the types of NPN Numbers?

There are several types of NPN numbers, each with its unique format. The most common type of NPN number is the 8-digit number, which is used for most NHPs. However, there are also 7-digit and 9-digit NPN numbers used for specific types of products. For example, 7-digit NPN numbers are used for homeopathic medicines, while 9-digit NPN numbers are used for veterinary health products. It’s important to note that the format of the NPN number does not affect its validity or significance.

What are the types of NPN Numbers?

What are the differences between the NPN Number and the License Number?

It’s important to note that an NPN number differs from a license number. While Health Canada assigns both, they serve different purposes. An NPN number is a unique identifier assigned to each NHP authorized for sale in Canada. A license number, on the other hand, is a broader identifier assigned to a company or individual authorized to sell NHPs in Canada.

To sell NHPs in Canada, you must obtain a Natural Health Product License from Health Canada. This license is assigned a unique license number, which is used to identify your business as a licensed seller of NHPs. While NPN and license numbers are essential for selling NHPs in Canada, they serve different purposes. They are used for different types of identification.

How Quality Smart Solutions can help you obtain a NPN Number license

Health Canada NHP applications are one of our core competencies. We can assist you in acquiring your NPN number and meeting compliant bilingual label requirements. If your NHP is manufactured, packaged and labeled outside of Canada, we can serve as your Importer of Record through our sister company, Quality IMPORT Solutions.  Here’s how our time tested proven process works

npn number Canada

Frequently Asked Questions - NPN Number Canada Registration

Health Canada NHP applications are one of our core competencies.  The following steps are represented by our time-tested proven process to acquire your NPN and ensure that bilingual label requirements are met.

  • Conduct a formula feasibility review of your NHP ingredients to ensure they meet safety and efficacy requirements
  • Complete a web-based natural health product licence application (web PLA) form for a class I, II, or III NHP
  • Prepare an evidence summary report (it includes information for safety and efficacy support) for a class III NHP
  • Prepare a finished product specification form
  • Answer all information request notice (IRN) questions from Health Canada until an NPN is successfully issued.
  • Assist with bringing your NHP label into compliance by preparing French translations and reviewing against the NHP regulations.

A Health Canada NPN is assigned after Health Canada finishes assessing your product to ensure safety, efficacy, and quality.  This 8-digit identifier number must appear on the principal panel of the NHP label.  It indicates that Health Canada has reviewed and approved the health product for sale in the Canadian market.

Class I

Class I is based on a single NHP Monograph. It has the highest level of ingredients certainty with an established efficacy and safety profile for the remedial ingredient. The NNHPD performance target is approximately 60 days for NPN issuance.

Class II

NHPs in this class are based on 2 or more NHP Monographs. This class possesses a safety and efficacy profile of medium certainty. The NNHPD performance target is approximately 90 days for NPN issuance.

Class III

At least 1 ingredient in the formula is either not monographed or outside the scope of an NHP Monograph (eg. dosage level, ingredient source or plant part, claims). The NNHPD performance target is 210 days for NPN issuance after an acknowledgment letter is received.

Once the NNHPD has decided that your product is effective, safe, and of high quality, you’ll receive an NPN or DIN-HM (Homeopathic Medicine Number).  There are no government fees associated with receiving this number and they do not expire.

To acquire an NPN in Canada you’ll need to complete a Product License Application form and submit supporting safety, efficacy, label text, and quality information when applying for a Natural Product Number.  Contact us at if you require assistance in this process.

No, all natural health products must have an NPN or DIN-HM before they can be sold in Canada.

A Drug Identification Number (DIN) number is assigned by Health Canada to a drug product prior to being available for sale in Canada and is a type of product license. This is similar to  the NPN which is issued to natural health products.

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