Fast & cost-effective gold-standard Clinical Trial comprehensive solutions

We’re dedicated to supporting food supplement and ingredient companies to substantiate health claims across the globe for the last two decades. As a contract research organization (CRO), we have completed more than 400 clinical and preclinical studies in compliance with international regulations.
We are among the few GCP-compliant CROs that are fully aligned with the FDA and FTC standards for human studies. Trust us with your product validation and gain from the speed, economy, credibility, and transparency we offer. The data we generate for your product is guaranteed to pass every scientific and legal scrutiny, leaving you free to make the most of your market. 
We’re an FDA/FTC/EFSA/Japan/Korea-compliant Contract Research Organization, operating in the Nutraceutical industry for decades. We’ve helped substantiate several health claims across 17+ health areas – for more than 100 functional ingredients & finished products.

We assist in providing objective evidence to enable compelling claims across a wide range of ailments such as G.I. Health, Immunity, Energy, Cognition, Sleep, and more, while also providing deep consumer insights that help drive revenue and enhance CLV. Our AI-powered, virtual, direct-to-consumer clinical trial approach provides unmatched affordability, speed, and scale!

Our IRB-approved double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are the gold standard for supplement brands, manufacturers, and ingredient suppliers.

End-to-End Clinical Trial Services

We provide highly efficient end-to-end services, from robust study designs, high-speed multi-centric and multi-country study conduct, data management & Statistical analysis, as well as manuscript publishing.  We can conduct small pilot studies to very large studies and remain highly responsive to customer needs.
The CRO’s category expertise includes Gut Health (IBS-D, Functional Constipation, Gut Permeability), Metabolism (Weight & Blood Sugar management), Cognition (HPA axis, mood quality, Alertness, sleep quality), Immunity (URTI, Lung health, Cold & allergies), Joint Health (Knee OA, Bone health, Cartilage, Gut-joint Axis), Sports Nutrition (Endurance) and more.
clinical trials
clinical trials

Preclinical Toxicity studies

We provide (as per OECD guidelines) for GRAS, NDI, and Novel Foods, as well as customized Efficacy studies for both marketing and regulatory submissions like claims approvals and patenting.

Efficacy Studies

  • Energy & Sleep
  • Men’s & Women’s Sexual Health
  • Cardio Endurance
  • Glucose Metabolism
  • Joint Health & Pain Relief
  • Healthy Aging 
  • Vascular Health
  • Gut Health
  • Cognition
  • Immunity 
  • Weight Management & General Health
  • Stress & Anxiety
cost-effective clinical trial solutions
clinical trials


A cutting-edge clinical trial approach generates product proof of effectiveness at unprecedented affordability, speed, and scale

  • OBJECTIVE: Proof for strong claims and smart business decisions 
  • EASY: Simply pick your product and a standardized trial 
  • AFFORDABLE: At least 5x cheaper than traditional trials 
  • RAPID: Results in under 180 days from study launch 

Clinically Prove Your Product

  • Affordable, gold-standard randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials
  • Develop the most effective, validated product to go to market
  • Make strong structure functions claims that drive revenue

Proof Drives Transformation

  • Generate proof risk-free (all results are confidential)
  • Defend against FTC or class-action lawsuits
  • Take market share with strong claims
  • Make smarter business & marketing choices
  • Build credibility & differentiation
  • Develop new products based on proof, not anecdotes
clinical trials

Why you should work with Quality Smart Solutions?

  1. We handle everything
  2. Quick & Affordable – Results within 180-240 days
  3. Drive revenue with strong structure/function claims
  4. Build brand credibility, proof, and trust & product differentiation
  5. Launch new products based on real evidence, not just anecdotes
  6. Gain deep, trending customer insights for targeted marketing

Frequently Asked Questions - Clinical Trial Applications

We have an extensive waiting list of study volunteers, employ targeted social media recruitment campaigns, and access our partnership network of wellness clinics and community health groups.

The more participants in your study, the better the odds of proving the product over a placebo with a stronger statistical power ratio. More participants + More Diversity + More Statistical Power= More significant findings… all at unprecedented affordability!

Very few because we are running standardized trials that we have run many times in the past. We have optimized/perfected and de-risked the things that could compromise any of our studies.

For our standardized clinical trials, we give you all of the raw data and provide our observations for all of the results. If you decide that it includes all of the desired validated outcome measures, we can assist in making recommendations, or actually help draft the article for a nominal fee.

Our PRO’s (Participant Reported Outcomes) use gold-standard validated indices developed by the NIH, WHO, and Harvard. PRO’s are often much more accurate for indicating an actual change or health benefit that a study participant is experiencing.

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