Nutrition Facts Table (NFT) Creation

Create print-ready, bilingual Nutrition Facts Table (NFt) formats outlined in the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations. We calculate nutrients and create a new NFT creation format that will be required by 2021. Click here to learn about CFIA Enforcement of Nutrition Facts Table & Food Labelling.

Health Canada Nutrition Facts Table

Nutrition Facts Tables provide nutritional information, which includes serving size, calories and percent daily value (% DV) of foods. It also includes the listing of 13 nutrients. Most package foods with a few exceptions are required to have a nutrition facts table. 

  • NFT must contain accurate nutritional information
  • It must have accurate dimensions and comply with the packaging dimensions
  • NFT must be in both of Canada’s official languages – French and English

An NFT can be used to know about a food’s nutritional value (nutrients and calories), check if a food contains a little (5% DV or less) or a lot (15% DV or more) of a nutrient, better manage special food needs such as a low-sodium diet and compare 2 products to make informed food choices.

Nutrition Facts Table

What are the regulations and guidelines for Health Canada Nutrition Facts Table creation?

To create an accurate Nutrition Facts Table, the data must adhere to Health Canada’s regulations. The information must include macro and micronutrients, as well as other elements such as caffeine and alcohol content. All of this data is presented in a consistent style and size across different foods and food groups. To make sure all tables are uniform, Health Canada has provided a specific list of criteria that must be met before any Nutrition Facts Table can be approved.

What are the legal requirements regarding size, & placement of logos on Nutrition Facts Tables?

The size, placement, and design of Nutrition Facts Table must meet Health Canada guidelines. Logos must also abide by these regulations to stay compliant with Canadian labeling laws and standards. For example, only one logo can appear in the NFT table, and it cannot exceed 20%. The font used to represent the Nutrition Facts Table must be black Helvetica or Arial and at least 8 point type to fit within the designated area (no less than 77mm width). Additionally, all edges of the NFT must be bolded to ensure visibility of important information, logos included.

Nutrition Facts Table
Nutrition Facts Table

What nutrition-related data is necessary for an accurate label, and how to correctly interpret it?

In the Nutrition Facts Table, the nutritional information it provides is mandatory and will have to be included for every product in Canada. This includes serving size, calories, and 13 core nutrients such as fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, dietary fibre, sugars, and protein. These values must be accurately displayed so that consumers can make informed decisions when purchasing a product. Additionally, vitamins and biotin should also be listed by their percentage of daily value in order to give Canadians an accurate understanding of the nutrition they are consuming.

What are the best practices for writing a successful product label that meets federal regulations while appealing to consumers?

In order to create an effective label, it is important to consider font type, size, and colour. The font should be clear and easy to read while standing out from the background colour. Additionally, the text size should not be too small or crowded, as this would make it difficult for consumers to read. The colors used should also complement each other and highlight main points of focus, such as the Nutrition Facts Table which is typically coloured in a neutral tone (white or light grey). Finally, key information such as serving size should be placed directly under the Nutrition Facts Table in order to draw attention to this important data.

Nutrition Facts Table
Create Nutrition Facts Table with Quality Smart Solutions

There are a couple of ways we empower you to ascertain the nutrition content of your food product. Our experts will help you determine the correct dimensions of NFT according to the compendium of the Nutrition Facts table. All labels that we prepare are future-proofed and will be required in the coming years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nutrition Facts Tables provide nutritional information, which includes serving size, calories, and percent daily value (% DV) of foods. It also includes the listing of 13 nutrients. Most packaged foods with a few exceptions are required to have a nutrition facts table. 

  • NFTs must contain accurate nutritional information
  • It must have accurate dimensions and comply with the packaging dimensions
  • NFTs must be in both of Canada’s official languages – French and English

An NFT can be used to know about a food’s nutritional value (nutrients and calories), check if a food contains a little (5% DV or less) or a lot (15% DV or more) of a nutrient, better manage special food needs such as a low-sodium diet and compare 2 products to make informed food choices.

The Nutrition Facts Table can provide information on calories and the 13 core nutrients.  You can use this table to know the amount of food and the percentage of the daily value, giving you the required information to make better food choices.  The nutrition facts in this table are based on certain serving sizes.

Make sure you pay close attention to the number of servings in the package and the serving size.

The serving size and calories section has been made easier to find and read by increasing the font size and adding a bold line under the calories.  This was done to help consumers make healthier decisions about their diet.

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