Canada Cosmetic Regulations: Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF)

Canada Cosmetic Regulations: Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF)
Quality Smart Solutions

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Top Canada Cosmetic Regulations Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF)

Canada is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and it’s no surprise that the country has some of the most stringent cosmetic regulations in the world.

Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF)

In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the top Canadian cosmetic regulations and what you need to do if you want to sell products in Canada. From ingredient lists to packaging, read on to learn everything you need to know about selling products in Canada.

What is a Cosmetic Notification Form?

A Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) is a document that must be submitted to Health Canada before you commence the distribution of a cosmetic product in Canada. The person responsible for distributing the product must be listed on the cosmetic notification form. You must also include information about the product, such as its name, ingredients, and intended use.

To ensure that your cosmetic products are safe and meet Canadian safety standards, you must first submit a CNF to Health Canada. It will help Health Canada to ensure that your products are safe before they’re released to the market.

The CNF is important because it allows Health Canada to track any safety issues with your product. If Health Canada identifies any issues, they will reach out to you with corrective actions that will be required prior to continuing the sale of your cosmetic products.

If you want to distribute a cosmetic product in Canada, you must first submit a CNF to Health Canada.

What are the Cosmetic Notification Form Requirements?

The cosmetic notification form (CNF) is a document that cosmetics manufacturers in Canada must submit to Health Canada before they market their products. The CNF is an electronic registration form that must be submitted to the department prior to sale in Canada.

The CNF requires information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, the product ingredients, the product name, product form, and area of intended use.

The Cosmetic Notification Form requirements became effective on January 1, 2009. All cosmetic manufacturers wishing to market their products in Canada must register with Health Canada using the CNF.

How to File a Cosmetic Notification Form?

If you are selling a cosmetic product in Canada, you must file a Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF). You can file the form with the government agency that regulates cosmetics in Canada. The form requires information about the product, ingredients, and any manufacturers/distributors.

The CNF is used to:

  • Stop non-compliant products from being released into the environment
  • Check for safety issues with cosmetic products
  • Track products and their ingredients

You can find more information about filing a CNF on the Health Canada website.

Who Must File a Cosmetic Notification Form?

Cosmetic manufacturers and distributors must file a Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) if they import, distribute or sell any cosmetic product in Canada that is not currently authorized for sale in Canada. The Cosmetic Notification Form must be filed with Health Canada before the cosmetic product can be sold in Canada.

The Cosmetic Notification Form must include the following information:

  • The name of the cosmetic product
  • The company name and address of the cosmetic manufacturer or distributor
  • The ingredients of the cosmetic product
  • The country of origin for the cosmetic product

Where Can I File a Cosmetic Notification Form in Canada?

A cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) is a form that must be filed with Health Canada in order to notify the regulator of any changes or updates to the cosmetic product’s ingredients, manufacturing processes, or labeling. The CNF must be filed for all cosmetic products, including personal care products.

To file a CNF, you must fulfil all the requirements. You need someone to help you out on the legal front. Only experts can help and guide you effectively throughout the process. It will make things a lot easier for you.

How long will it take for Health Canada to Process My Cosmetic Notification Form?

Cosmetic products that do not contain any restricted or prohibited ingredients will be processed immediately and a cosmetic number will be issued in 24 – 48 hours. Cosmetics that contain restricted ingredients will follow manual processing by Health Canada. A service standard for manual processing has not been established. 


The Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) is a document that cosmetic companies must submit to Health Canada before marketing a new cosmetic product in Canada. The CNF includes details about the product, such as its ingredients and intended use, and information on how it will be marketed.

By law, all cosmetics products must contain safe ingredients in order to be sold in Canada.  For tips on how to complete your cosmetic notification form (CNF) click here:

CNF Infographic

QSS offers regulatory services from registering your cosmetic products to reviewing your cosmetic labels and submitting a cosmetic notification application to Health Canada.

We also offer FDA cosmetic product compliance solutions for USA Cosmetic Regulations.

Our experts are here to help and offer any cosmetic-related regulatory advice!

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