Consultation Period Extension: Proposal to Improve Natural Health Product Labelling

Consultation Period Extension: Proposal to Improve Natural Health Product Labelling

On June 26, 2021, Health Canada launched a consultation on a proposal to improve natural health product labelling. Health Canada held extensive pre-consultation with a wide array of stakeholders in the development of the policy and prior to publication in Canada Gazette, Part I. The Canada Gazette, Part I consultation period process allows all stakeholders to review the proposed regulations and comment on the analysis of the potential positive and negative effects of a proposal on the health, safety, security, the social and economic well-being of Canadians, businesses and on the environment.

Recognizing that the timing of this consultation coincides with the summer holiday period and that there are a number of consultations underway at Health Canada, which may also be of interest to industry, the Canada Gazette, Part I public comment period is extended to 90 days and will now close on September 24, 2021. The details of how you can provide your feedback on the proposed amendments to the Natural Health Products Regulations can be accessed on Consulting with Canadians web page.

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Jessica Koves


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