What is a New Drug Submission (NDS)?
A New Drug Submission (NDS) is essential when launching a new drug in Canada. This pathway applies to drugs with new active ingredients, formulations, or therapeutic uses that haven’t been marketed in Canada. Critical Characteristics of NDS:- Comprehensive Data Requirement: An NDS requires detailed clinical trial data showcasing the drug’s safety, efficacy, and quality. Preclinical data may also be required based on the drug’s nature.
- Longer Review Time: NDS applications undergo rigorous review, typically lasting between 300-600 days.
- When to Use: Choose the NDS pathway for introducing an entirely new drug or a novel therapeutic use for an existing drug not previously approved in Canada.
What is a Supplemental New Drug Submission (SNDS)?
The SNDS pathway is for significant changes to an already approved drug. These modifications can impact a drug’s safety, efficacy, or quality, necessitating regulatory review to ensure compliance.Key Characteristics of SNDS:
- Modification Coverage: SNDS is needed for alterations in formulation, manufacturing, labeling, dosage, or therapeutic use.
- Clinical Data: New clinical trial data may be required if changes affect the drug’s intended use or safety profile.
- Moderate Review Time: SNDS submissions generally take 180-300 days for approval.
- When to Use SNDS: Use the SNDS pathway when making substantial modifications to an approved drug.
What is an Abbreviated New Drug Submission (ANDS)?
Designed for generic drug products, the ANDS pathway allows manufacturers to show their product is bioequivalent to an already approved reference drug without conducting new clinical trials.Key Characteristics of ANDS:
- Bioequivalence: This is the main requirement; manufacturers must prove that their generic product matches the brand-name drug in bioavailability through bioequivalence studies.
- No Need for New Clinical Trials: New clinical data isn’t required since safety and efficacy are already established.
- Shortest Review Time: ANDS submissions are reviewed within 180-300 days.
- When to Use ANDS: Choose the ANDS pathway for bringing a generic version of a previously approved drug to market.
Comparing Health Canada’s ANDS, SNDS, and NDS Pathways: Which to Choose?
1. Type of Product:
a. NDS: For new drugs with unapproved ingredients or therapeutic uses. b. SNDS: For significant changes to an existing, approved drug. c. ANDS: For generics proving bioequivalence.2. Data Requirements:
a. NDS: Requires full clinical data for safety, efficacy, and quality. b. SNDS: Requires data based on the modification’s impact on the drug. c. ANDS: Focuses on bioequivalence studies; no extensive clinical trials.3. Review Times:
a. NDS: Longest review time of 300-600 days. b. SNDS: Moderate review time of 180-300 days. c. ANDS: Shortest review time, typically 180-300 days.4. Associated Fees:
a. NDS: CAD 590,346. b. SNDS: CAD 305,690. c. ANDS: CAD 305,690. These pathways represent a regulatory requirement and a strategic business choice. Submitting under the correct pathway ensures a more streamlined review process, reducing potential delays and fees.Frequently Asked Questions
- Which pathway is appropriate if I’m reformulating a drug?
- How long does the ANDS approval process take?
- Can I use the NDS pathway for a generic drug?
How Quality Smart Solutions Can Help
Quality Smart Solutions specializes in guiding pharmaceutical companies through Health Canada’s regulatory pathways, including ANDS, SNDS, and NDS submissions. With expert insights and thorough support, they help streamline the submission process, ensure complete and accurate documentation, and expedite regulatory approval. Partnering with Quality Smart Solutions could save your business time, reduce costs, and prevent unnecessary setbacks in bringing your product to market. References- Health Canada. (2024). Fees for the Examination of Drug Submissions and Applications. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drug-health-product-review-approval/submission-applications/fees.html
- Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 158, Number 13. (2024). Notice amending Health Canada’s National Dosimetry Services Products, Services, and Fees Schedule. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2024/2024-03-28/html/notice-avis-eng.html
- Health Canada. (2023). Drug Submission Application Review Fees. Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/submission-applications/review-fees.html
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