New Ingredient Submissions for the Natural Health Product Ingredient Database (NHPID) NHP Database

The Natural Health Products Ingredient Database (NHPID) is a database of the ingredients found in licensed natural health products (NHPs). NHPs are regulated by Health Canada and are used to treat a range of conditions. They are sold at pharmacies and natural health product retailers.  If you’re in the business of selling natural health products in Canada, you’ll need to know about the NHP Database. This centralized platform provides important information for consumers and regulators alike, so it’s important to make sure your product is included

Our experts can help prepare and submit a new ingredient database request to have your ingredients added to the NHPID. Accurate data in the NHPID will help ensure a smooth licensing process.

NHPID overview (NHP Database)

Natural Health Products Ingredient Database (NHPID) contains tens of thousands of entries of ingredients that serve either a medicinal or non-medicinal function. All medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients must be in the Natural Health Products Ingredient Database (NHPID) for a successful product license application.

nhpid ingredient database

Classification procedure for medicinal and non-medicinal Ingredients

Staying aware of the new classification procedure for Medical and Non-medical Ingredients is essential.

  • Before Product License Application (PLA) submission, make sure the ingredients contained in the product are natural health substances as per Schedules 1 and 2 of the NHP Regulations.
  • Be careful that all medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients in the product are listed as such within the NHPID.
  • Remember, NHPID also has some non-NHP ingredients on the list and these ingredients are acutely shown as not acceptable.
  • An entry in the NHPID does not mean that the ingredient has been reviewed for efficacy or safety.

What if the ingredients in my product are not listed in the NHPID?

If the NHPID does not contain some/any of the ingredients in your product:

  • You will be solely liable to submit a request to the NNHPD to add these ingredients to the NHPID before the product license application is filed.
  • The product license application can only be filed after the ingredients are considered admissible and are successfully added to the NHPID.

We will help explain the process and requirements to request additions/changes to the NHPID.

Natural Health Products Ingredients Database NHPID
new ingredient submission nhpid

How we can serve your NHPID needs

Our NHP experts will assist you in preparing new ingredient database requests for the NHPID if:

  • One or more of your ingredients is not in the NHPID.
  • One or more non-medicinal ingredients is in the NHPID, but not under a function listed for use in your product.
  • One or more of your medicinal ingredients is a constituent of another medicinal ingredient (e.g. caffeine is a constituent of green tea in the NHPID).

Note that the processing time, once the new ingredient request is submitted, can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks for Health Canada to process and make the change to the NHPID.

What is the licensed Natural Health Products database?

The Licensed Natural Health Products Database is an online registry of natural health products (NHPs) that have been evaluated and authorized by Health Canada. It’s one of the largest and most comprehensive databases of its kind, providing detailed information on more than 68,000 licensed NHPs available in Canada. Users can access product identifiers, manufacturer details, active ingredients, claims and much more! By accessing the database, you’ll be able to quickly find accurate information about any NHP-related product offered for sale in Canada.

NNHPD database

What are the NNHPD Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)?

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a set of quality standards that manufacturers need to follow when producing natural health products. These standards are in place to ensure the quality, safety, and effectiveness of the product. To be granted a license by the Non-Prescription and Natural Health Products Directorate (NNHPD), manufacturers must ensure that their production facilities and processes comply with GMP requirements. Additionally, they must be registered with Health Canada prior to manufacturing or importing any product.

What are the NNHPD labelling requirements for your products (NHP Database)?

Health Canada requires that all health products, including natural health products (NHPs), have labels that clearly identify the name of the product and indicate any associated risks and instructions for safe use. These labels also provide important information about dosage and a description of the ingredients used in the formulation. Labelling requirements can vary depending on the type of product; therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with specific labelling regulations before you start marketing your product.

NNHPD database
NNHPD database

What are the benefits of using the NHPD Database?

The Licensed Natural Health Products Database offers numerous advantages to consumers and healthcare professionals. It contains up-to-date data on all authorized natural health products in Canada, including information on product ingredients, product warnings, indications for use, and documentation of any health risks or side effects associated with each product. Additionally, this database provides an extensive list of resources that can help you make informed decisions about which products are best for your needs.

What are the roles of the NNHPD (NHP Database)?

The Non-Prescription and Natural Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) is responsible for setting regulations and standards for all non-prescription drugs and natural health products offered in Canada. The NNHPD oversees the licensing and distribution of these products to ensure they are safe, effective, and manufactured with quality. Additionally, the NNHPD is responsible for ensuring that product labels contain accurate information about use, benefits, warnings, side effects, and ingredients.

NNHPD database

Frequently Asked Questions - NHPID

If the NHPID does not contain some/any of the ingredients in your product:

  • You will be solely liable to submit a request to the NNHPD to add these ingredients to the NHPID before the product license application is filed.
  • The product license application can only be filed after the ingredients are considered admissible and are successfully added to the NHPID.

We will help explain the process and requirements to request additions/changes to the NHPID.

The Natural Health Products Ingredient Database (NHPID) contains tens of thousands of entries of ingredients that serve either a medicinal or non-medicinal function. All medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients must be in the Natural Health Products Ingredient Database (NHPID) for a successful product license application.

Staying aware of the new classification procedure for Medical and Non-medical Ingredients is essential.

  • Before Product License Application (PLA) submission, make sure the ingredients contained in the product are natural health substances as per Schedules 1 and 2 of the NHP Regulations.
  • Be careful that all medicinal and non-medicinal ingredients in the product are listed as such within the NHPID.
  • Remember, NHPID also has some non-NHP ingredients on the list and these ingredients are acutely shown as not acceptable.
  • An entry in the NHPID does not mean that the ingredient has been reviewed for efficacy or safety.

A non-medical ingredient is any substance that is added to a NHP formulation that does not perform a therapeutic function and makes the final product more suitable or consistent.

A medicinal ingredient is an active ingredient that has a therapeutic function, such as :

(a) the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state or its symptoms in humans;

(b) restoring or correcting organic functions in humans; or

(c) modifying organic functions in humans, such as modifying those functions in a manner that maintains or promotes health

The Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate’s licensing system allows applicants to reference the Compendium of Monographs to speed up the evaluation of medicinal ingredients.  A monograph is a written description that details certain elements on an identified topic.  There are different single ingredient and product monographs. 

New Ingredient Submission

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