FDA Medical Device 510k submissions, Facility Registration, FURLS & PMA Medical Device Compliance Solutions

The process of bringing a new medical device to the market involves thorough evaluation and regulatory approval to ensure patient safety and efficacy. One common pathway for obtaining clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is through the 510(k) submission process.

Quality Smart Solutions offers medical device compliance solutions to ensure your device complies with the applicable FDA medical device regulations so that your business can cater to the USA marketplace. seeking guidance from our regulatory experts can greatly enhance your chances of preparing a successful 510(k) submission, ensuring that your innovative medical device reaches the market while adhering to the highest standards of safety and efficacy. As of October 1st all 510(k) submissions must be done through the online eSTAR portal. Click here to read our article outlining it’s benefits, important tips, the review process and how to submit your application with eSTAR.

FDA Classification of Medical Devices

Quality Smart Solutions offers end-to-end compliance assistance in product classification, regulatory strategic planning, submission approval process, interaction with regulatory agencies during development stages, and preparation of fulsome application dossiers (including a detailed list of documents, reports, diagrams, or clinical data that are required for medical device registration).

510(k) Medical Device Registration

Former FDA specialists will review testing requirements, check relevant FDA guidance documents, ensure you meet required standards to have your medical device registered.

Medical Device Facility Registration and FURLS Listing

Avail support in getting the FDA’s Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS)/ Device Registration and Listing Module (DRLM), thereby getting your facility registered.

In Vitro Diagnostic Device 510(k) Registration

Leverage our expertise in submitting your application for In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) or filing a Premarket Notification with the FDA, also known as an FDA 510(k). Call for step-by-step guidance.

SaMD Classification and Registration

Register your SaMD with FDA with the help of our software device licence experts. We will assist you in the process based on risk evaluation, inclusion and exclusion.

Establishment Registration

Domestic and foreign manufacturers, distributors, or importers of medical devices in the USA must register their establishment with the FDA.

Suspension of an Establishment Licence

Your establishment license will be suspended if you fail to comply with regulations or present misleading statements in the application.

FDA Inspection

Every medical device manufacturing facility undergoes FDA inspection to ensure compliance with quality standards.

Medical Device Compliance in the USA

Medical devices include a wide range of medical or health instruments that are used for treating, mitigating, diagnosing, or preventing diseases or abnormal health conditions. These devices can be hip implants, pacemakers, artificial heart valves, syringes, thermometers, contraceptive devices, and medical laboratory diagnostic instruments. 

Medical devices are classified into Class I, II, and III in the USA. While most of the Class I devices are exempt from Premarket Notification 510(k), most of the Class II devices need Premarket Notification 510(k). Class III devices require Premarket Approval. All classes of medical devices in the USA need to be manufactured and approved under FDA regulations.

Product Types we have Licenced

We have licensed a wide range of Medical Devices, including but not limited to below

Invitro Diagnostics
Monitoring Devices
Surgical Equipment
Mobile Aid
Personal Care

Steps in 510(k) Submission Process (Research, Selection & Expert Guidance)

  1. Identify Predicate Device: Begin by identifying a predicate device that is already on the market and similar to your medical device. The comparison between your device and the predicate device forms the basis of demonstrating substantial equivalence.

  2. Classify Your Device: Determine the correct classification of your device under FDA regulations. Classifying your device helps establish the regulatory pathway and the specific requirements for your submission.

  3. Prepare the 510(k) Submission: The submission should include detailed information about your device, its intended use, technical specifications, and performance data. This comprehensive documentation supports the assertion of substantial equivalence.

  4. Risk Analysis: Conduct a thorough risk analysis of your device, identifying potential hazards and mitigations. This analysis demonstrates your understanding of potential risks and your commitment to patient safety.

  5. Performance Testing: Provide data from performance testing that supports the safety and effectiveness of your device. Bench tests, animal studies, and clinical data may be necessary depending on the device’s complexity.

  6. Prepare a Summary: Craft a concise and clear summary that outlines the similarities and differences between your device and the predicate device. This summary is crucial for FDA reviewers to understand your substantial equivalence argument.

What are Medical Devices 510k Submissions and does my facility need to be registered with the FDA?

The 510(k) submission is named after the section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act where it is found. It serves as a premarket submission to the FDA, demonstrating that a new medical device is substantially equivalent to a legally marketed device (predicate device) that does not require premarket approval (PMA).

A medical device is any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, or contrivance, including any component part or accessory which is:
● intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for one or more of the following purposes:
● diagnosis;
● therapy;
● surgery; or
● prevention of disease which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means.

Owners or operators of establishments that are involved in the production and distribution of medical devices intended for use in the U.S. are required to register annually with the FDA. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A medical device is an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component, part, or accessory, which is—
  • recognized in the official National Formulary, or the United States Pharmacopeia, or any supplement to them
  • intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals, or
  • intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals, and
which does not achieve its primary intended purposes through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animals and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of its primary intended purposes
The FDA places all medical devices into one of three regulatory classes based on the level of control necessary to ensure safety and effectiveness of the device. Classification is risk based, that is, the risk the device poses to the patient and/or the user is a major factor in determining the class to which it is assigned. Class I devices are considered low risk and Class III devices are considered high risk.
A premarket notification, or 510(k), is submitted to FDA before a manufacturer proposes to market a medical device. If FDA agrees the new device is substantially equivalent to a legally marketed device for which premarket approval is not required, the manufacturer may market it immediately. FDA does not require clinical data in most 510(k)s.
Premarket approval (PMA) is the FDA process of scientific and regulatory review to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Class III medical devices. PMA applications are the most stringent type of device marketing application for medical devices. FDA approves a PMA if it determines that the application contains sufficient valid scientific evidence to provide reasonable assurance that the device is safe and effective for its intended use(s).

Unless they are class I medical devices the following products will need to be licensed by the FDA:

  • PPE
  • Invitro Diagnostics
  • Monitoring Devices
  • Surgical Equipment
  • Mobile Aid
  • Radiology
  • Pacemakers
  • Personal Care

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